VPS Hosting - GreenGeeks Support https://www.greengeeks.com/support/topic/vps-hosting/ Thu, 14 Mar 2024 13:22:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 VPS vs Shared/Reseller Differences https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/vps-vs-shared-reseller-differences/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/vps-vs-shared-reseller-differences/#respond Thu, 14 Apr 2022 15:29:13 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=17127 There are significant differences between the GreenGeeks EcoSite or Reseller platform, and our Managed VPS environment. Some of these differences are at the operating system level, and some of these differences are in regards to the management, or level of support that we are able to provide. So, what differences...

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There are significant differences between the GreenGeeks EcoSite or Reseller platform, and our Managed VPS environment. Some of these differences are at the operating system level, and some of these differences are in regards to the management, or level of support that we are able to provide.

So, what differences are there that you need to be aware of?


Antivirus Protection

ImunifyAV – Monthly scans of files

Imunify360 – Real-time-scanning of new files

cPanel Backups

Not taken automatically by GreenGeeks; can be configured on VPS with sufficient free disk space

GreenGeeks stores 30 sets of user-level backups

Disk Space

Requires 15GB for operating system and cPanel updates, in addition to the cPanel user and a minimum of 5GB free working space.

Disk space & inodes are used at the cPanel user level, not required for operational overhead

GreenGeeks Dashboard Management

Start/Stop/Reset VPS/Change user root Password/Link to WHM login page

Full cPanel/WHM access without login

GreenGeeks Support Provided


Tickets, Live Chat or Telephone


Limited only at the file-system level.

Limited per cPanel user

Litespeed Cache

Not supported by default; must provide own Litespeed license or be replaced by alternative plugins such as W3 Total Cache or WP Fastest Cache.

Supported; GreenGeeks recommends Litespeed Cache

Memory Usage

Memory used by OS & related services, in addition to the cPanel user

Memory is dedicated to the cPanel user only, not required for operational overhead


MariaDB 10.6

MariaDB 10.5


Use nameservers registered within VPS

Use GreenGeeks global nameservers

Operating System

AlmaLinux 8



7.2 – 8.2

5.2 – 8.2

Shell Access(SSH)

Root or user level, using SSH keys

User-level SSH access, using keys or passwords

SSL Management

Managed within cPanel/WHM

Done in the GreenGeeks dashboard

Web Server

Apache 2.4


If you have any questions about specific differences between the GreenGeeks platforms, please contact the GreenGeeks Support team for assistance.

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How to Enable or Disable Automatic Backups on Your VPS https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/enable-disable-automatic-backups-vps/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/enable-disable-automatic-backups-vps/#respond Mon, 14 Jun 2021 16:35:01 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=16893 Log into your GreenGeeks account. From the dashboard, click the “WHM” button of your VPS account. This will open a new window. Once you log into the WHM account, scroll down to the Backup section and click, “Backup Configuration.” Under Backup Status, click the check box to enable or disable...

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Log into your GreenGeeks account.

From the dashboard, click the “WHM” button of your VPS account.

WHM Access

This will open a new window.

Once you log into the WHM account, scroll down to the Backup section and click, “Backup Configuration.”

Backup Configuration

Under Backup Status, click the check box to enable or disable backups.

Enable or Disable Backups

On this screen, you can also manage your backup settings such as compression, timeout timers, scheduling, and much more.

For more detailed information about backups, view the cPanel documentation.

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How to Change Your VPS Password from the Account Manager https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/change-vps-password-account-manager/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/change-vps-password-account-manager/#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:39:16 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=16629 To change the root password of your VPS, log into your GreenGeeks account manager. NOTE: Changing this password only affects the root user WHM login. From the dashboard, click the “Manage” button for your VPS account. Click on the “Change Password” link under Password Management. Enter a new password for...

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To change the root password of your VPS, log into your GreenGeeks account manager.

NOTE: Changing this password only affects the root user WHM login.

From the dashboard, click the “Manage” button for your VPS account.

Manage VPS Account

Click on the “Change Password” link under Password Management.

Change Password Link

Enter a new password for the account and click the “Change Password” button.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can click the “Generate” button to create a complex password. Just click on the eyeball icon to show the password so you can save it in a safe place.

Enter New VPS Password

Once the password has been changed, you’ll see a confirmation message on the top right just below your GreenGeeks ID number and account.

Password Confirmation Message


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Changing the Root Password of Your VPS from WHM https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/root-password-vps/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/root-password-vps/#respond Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:19:50 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=16622 To change the root password of your VPS account, log into your WHM dashboard. On the left, click the option to “Change Root Password.” Input a new root password in the field provided. For best results, turn the color bar under the password field green. NOTE: You can use the...

The post Changing the Root Password of Your VPS from WHM appeared first on GreenGeeks Support.

To change the root password of your VPS account, log into your WHM dashboard.

On the left, click the option to “Change Root Password.”

Change Root Password

Input a new root password in the field provided. For best results, turn the color bar under the password field green.

NOTE: You can use the “Generate” button on the right to create a highly sophisticated password to further protect your login.

New Root Password

Enter the password again in the confirmation field.

Confirm Password

Click the “Change Password” button.

Change Password

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How Do I Get My Softaculous License? https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/get-softaculous-license/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/get-softaculous-license/#respond Mon, 29 Jun 2020 18:51:29 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=16200 A Premium Softaculous license is included free with every GreenGeeks VPS hosting plan. Softaculous offers more than 430 applications and scripts and it allows you to install them with just a few clicks. This includes WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and many more to build nearly anything you can think of. To...

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A Premium Softaculous license is included free with every GreenGeeks VPS hosting plan.

Softaculous offers more than 430 applications and scripts and it allows you to install them with just a few clicks.

This includes WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and many more to build nearly anything you can think of.

To get your Softaculous license and have this installed on your VPS, please open a ticket in GreenGeeks with the subject “Softaculous License Request”

Benefits include:

  • Single-click install to over 430 applications
  • Automatic daily updates for most software and plugins
  • Automated and on-demand Backups and Restoration of installations
  • Clone installations
  • Staging Instances

Read more about Softaculous on its website.

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VPS Quick Links https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/vps-quick-links/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/vps-quick-links/#respond Tue, 23 Jun 2020 20:42:56 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=16158 Management   |   Security   |   Notifications   |   PHP Here are some links that will help you with VPS configuration and management. For more information, see Getting Started With Your GreenGeeks VPS. VPS Management Backup Configuration – learn how to customize your scheduled backups and specify which accounts are backed up. Changing the VPS Hostname – if you...

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Management   |   Security   |   Notifications   |   PHP

Here are some links that will help you with VPS configuration and management. For more information, see Getting Started With Your GreenGeeks VPS.

VPS Management

Securing your VPS

  • WHM Security – how to set a question/answer login challenge, and add IP addresses to a list that bypasses the challenge.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – when you enable two-factor authentication, a login code is required in addition to the account username and password. Typically the code is generated by a mobile application.
  • AutoSSL – how to set up the automatic installation of domain-validated SSL certificates for sites hosted on your VPS.

Notification Settings


  • MultiPHP Manager – control the PHP version, PHP-FPM settings, pool options, and PHP INI directives for each site on your VPS.
  • MultiPHP INI Manager – further controls for the php.ini files for sites on your VPS.

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Getting Started With Your GreenGeeks VPS https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/getting-started-with-your-greengeeks-vps/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/getting-started-with-your-greengeeks-vps/#comments Mon, 18 May 2020 20:33:47 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=16033 In this article, we’re going to cover some of the first steps involved in getting your GreenGeeks VPS account up and running. Logging In to WHM Configuring Nameservers Creating Your First Website Account Changing the Name Servers in WHM Configuring Your VPS Hostname A Record Setting Up Hosting Packages Creating...

The post Getting Started With Your GreenGeeks VPS appeared first on GreenGeeks Support.

In this article, we’re going to cover some of the first steps involved in getting your GreenGeeks VPS account up and running.

This guide assumes that you’ve just opened a GreenGeeks VPS account and are starting from scratch.

Logging In to WHM

When you open a GreenGeeks Managed VPS or Reseller account, you get access to WHM and cPanel. WHM is used to set up the cPanel accounts, and the cPanel accounts are used to manage the individual sites on the server.

The easiest way to log in to WHM is to log into GreenGeeks. In the “Quick Server Login” section, click the “WHM” button for the VPS.

WHM button in GreenGeeks dashboard

When WHM is set up, the only account is “root,” so that is the login username. The root password is in your account setup email. Once logged in, you can change the root password or create additional user accounts if you wish.

Note that if you change your root password in WHM, the “WHM” button in the “Quick Server Login” section of GreenGeeks will no longer log you in directly. You’ll have to enter the new password on the login page.

Logging In to WHM Using the Server IP Address

You can also log in to WHM without logging into GreenGeeks by using one of the IP addresses assigned to your VPS. So the URL would look like this:


The IP address can be found in the email you received from GreenGeeks when the account was set up. 2087 is the port number for WHM on the server.

Logging In to WHM Using Your Domain Name

Finally, once your domain name points to the VPS, you can connect to WHM using your domain name. Like https://whm.ggexample.com. In the event of an expired domain name or other configuration issues, you’ll always be able to connect to WHM using the IP address.

Detailed WHM documentation is available on the cPanel website. But let’s go over some of the basics to get you started.

Configuring Nameservers

We’re doing the nameserver configuration first since DNS changes can take some time to propagate.

In most cases, you’ll be using your own domain as a name server, so the domain has to be registered as a nameserver at the registrar.

If you registered the domain through GreenGeeks, here’s how to register the name servers.

If you did not register your domain through GreenGeeks, log in to your domain registrar’s control panel and look for a DNS setting called “private nameservers,” “Register DNS,” or “personal nameservers.” If you can’t find the setting, contact your registrar and ask them how to set up private nameservers.

When registering your domain as a name server, the registrar will require IP addresses for the ns1 and ns2 subdomains. Use the IP address in your VPS account setup email for the nameservers. The “Main IP” will be used for both nameservers.

use VPS IPs for nameservers

Once your domain is set up to work as a nameserver at your registrar, make sure the nameservers for your domain are changed to the private nameservers that you just created. So for this demonstration, we changed the nameservers for the ggdemo.site domain to ns1.ggdemo.site and ns2.ggdemo.site.

Then, we’ll go into WHM to add the new nameservers to our configuration.

Creating Your First Website Account

The first site you have to create is the site for your primary domain. In our case, that’s ggdemo.site. Creating the primary domain site first ensures that your DNS zone is properly set up. That paves the way for creating additional accounts later.

Go back to the home page of WHM and click the “Create a New Account” link.

click the "Create a New Account" link

In the “Domain Information” section, enter your domain name and the username, password, and other information.

enter domain information

In the “Package” section, check the “Select Options Manually” box. We’re choosing that option because we haven’t set up any packages yet. If you have already set up packages, you can choose one here.

check the "Select Options Manually" box

Scroll down through the “Manual Resource Options” and configure as you’d like. There’s no right or wrong here; it’s just a matter of your preferences.

Click the button at the bottom of the page to save the account.

When you create an account in WHM, a cPanel account is also created. You’ll use the cPanel account to manage the domain and website attached to the account. We have individual articles for most of the available cPanel tools.

Changing the Name Servers in WHM

Log in to WHM. You can log into GreenGeeks and click the “WHM” button in the “Quick Server Login” section, or use the IP address URL as we talked about earlier.

If the “Important Next Steps” section is displayed, click the “Customize Nameservers” link.

click the "Customize Nameservers" link


If you dismissed the next steps section or it isn’t displayed, click open the navigation.

click open the navigation

Then click the “Basic WebHost Manager Setup” link.

click the "Basic WebHost Manager Setup" link


Scroll down to the “Nameservers” section.

Enter the name servers you set up at your domain registrar. For example, we’re using the ggdemo.site domain. We’ve set up the name servers at the registrar, so we’ll enter ns1.ggdemo.site and ns2.ggdemo.site.

enter custom nameservers

Click the “Save Changes” button.

click the "Save Changes" button

Now we’re going to add the A records for the nameservers. To do that, we’ll click the “Configure Address Records” button.

First, we’ll click the button for ns1 and add the “Main IP” address from the account setup email.

adding A record IPs to nameservers

enter ip address for ns A record

Then, click the “Configure Address Records” button.

click "Configure Address Records" button

Next, repeat the process by clicking the “Configure Address Records” button for ns2, then enter the “Main IP” address from the account setup email again.

Click the “Save Changes” button again, and that should do it for nameserver setup.

click the "Save Changes" button

Configuring Your VPS Hostname A Record

Log in to WHM, and in the left navigation, scroll down to the DNS Functions section.

Click the “Add an A Entry for Your Hostname” link.

click the "add an A entry for your hostname" link

In the “Please confirm the IP address…” box, enter the “main IP” address from your account creation email. Check the Configuring Nameservers section to see where the IP address is located in the email.

Click the “Add Entry” button.

enter IP, click "add Entry" button

Creating Hosting Packages

Your WHM license allows you to create one user. If you’ve already created that user and don’t intend to add other websites to your server, you can skip hosting package creation. To add more users and sites, you can upgrade your WHM/cPanel license.

If you intend to set up multiple accounts/websites on the server, you’ll want to create at least one hosting package. Hosting packages make the new site creation process quicker. If you don’t create any packages, you can still select options manually when you create new accounts, as we did in the previous section.

Go to the WHM home page and click the “Add a Package” link.

click the "Add a Package" link

Enter a descriptive name in the “Package Name” field. That will make package selection more straightforward if you create multiple packages.

Complete the rest of the configuration options.

In the “Settings” section at the bottom of the page, there is a useful configuration option that you don’t want to overlook.

Click the “View” link next to the “Feature List” drop-down.

click the "View" link

On the “Feature Manager” page that opens, you’ll see an extensive list of available package features. Toggle them on or off as desired by checking or unchecking the boxes. Then click the “Save” button.

choose package details click the "Save" button

Back on the “Add a Package” page, click the “Add” button to complete the package set up.

click the “Add” button to complete the package set up

Now when you create a new account, your package will appear in the “Choose a Package” drop-down.

Creating cPanel (Website) Accounts

Your WHM license allows you to create one user. If you want to add more users and websites, you can upgrade your WHM/cPanel license.

The process of creating additional accounts is the same as the steps we covered in the Creating Your First Website Account section. You can repeat them for any additional users/websites.

Remember, you can streamline the creation of new accounts by creating hosting packages.

Setting Up Email Addresses

We talked about using cPanel to manage individual domains and websites, and that’s where we’re going to go to set up email addresses.

You can get to cPanel in one of three ways:

  • Log in to WHM, click the “List Accounts” link, then click the cPanel link or logo for the site you’d like to log in to.
  • Use your server IP address with the cPanel port number (2083) at the end of the URL. Like: https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2083/
  • Use your domain name with the cPanel port number (2083) at the end of the URL. Like: https://vps.ggexample.com:2083/

Remember, your cPanel username and password are what you specified when setting up the account in WHM. You can log in to any cPanel account on your server using your WHM root password, but it’s better to log in using the account credentials.

Once you’re logged in to cPanel, scroll down to the “Email” section and click the “Email Accounts” link or icon.

click the "Email Accounts" link or icon

Click the “+Create” button.

click the "+Create" button

Enter the username (the part of the address before the @) and password.

enter email username and password

Set the storage limit for the email account. If you set a limit and the user’s mailbox exceeds the threshold, incoming messages will bounce back to the sender. A notice is sent from the system to the email account when quotas are exceeded.

Leave “Automatically Create Folders” in the “Automatically Create Folders for Plus Addressing” selection checked. If you don’t use plus addressing, no new directories will be created, so there’s no harm in leaving the option available.

Leave “Send a welcome email with instructions to set up a mail client” checked. It may seem counter-intuitive to send configuration instructions to an email address (don’t I have to configure an email client to read it?). But you can log in to webmail to get the configuration message, so it is useful.

Click the “+Create” button.

click the "+Create" button

You can log in to webmail to pick up the configuration email from the “Email Accounts” page.

If you did not check “Stay on this page after I click Create,” you’ll be taken directly to the “Email Accounts” page after the address is created. Otherwise, you can get back there by going to the “Email” section and clicking the “Email Accounts” link or icon.

Click the “Check Email” button for the address you just created.

click the "Check Email" button

A webmail configuration page will open in a new browser tab. Choose the webmail client you’d like to use and click the “Open” button.

You’ll notice that configuration instructions are available on the webmail configuration page as well, under “Set up email on your device.” You can use that to send more detailed email client configuration instructions.

click to log in to webmail

Accessing Webmail Outside of cPanel

You can use a few different URLs to access webmail from any browser.

  • https://ggexample.com/webmail/
  • https://webmail.ggexample.com/
  • https://ggexample.com:2096/

Replace “ggexample.com” with your domain name.

If there’s an aspect of email setup that you didn’t find covered here, we have a more detailed cPanel email set up article available.

There’s Much More to WHM

Detailed WHM documentation is available on the cPanel website. We’ll also be adding articles for other WHM features in the future. If there’s something you’d like to see, let us know in the comments.

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VPS cPanel License Pricing https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/vps-cpanel-license-pricing/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/vps-cpanel-license-pricing/#respond Tue, 28 Jan 2020 14:14:11 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?post_type=ht_kb&p=15866 Our Managed VPS servers include a cPanel Solo License on deployment. If you require an upgrade to accommodate more cPanel accounts on your VPS server, we offer multiple upgrades to your license. If you wish to upgrade/downgrade your current cPanel License, please open a ticket in your GreenGeeks Account. *Prices quoted...

The post VPS cPanel License Pricing appeared first on GreenGeeks Support.

Our Managed VPS servers include a cPanel Solo License on deployment. If you require an upgrade to accommodate more cPanel accounts on your VPS server, we offer multiple upgrades to your license.

Licence TierNumber of AccountsCost

If you wish to upgrade/downgrade your current cPanel License, please open a ticket in your GreenGeeks Account.

*Prices quoted above are in addition to the recurring monthly cost of your VPS.

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Removing IP Addresses From ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/removing-ip-addresses-from-csf/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/removing-ip-addresses-from-csf/#respond Sat, 28 Dec 2013 22:13:55 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?p=4174 If users are having problems connecting to your website, the first thing you should check is the server’s firewall. To do troubleshooting you will need the user’s IP Address (if they don’t know their IP send them to whatismyip.com). Log in to GreenGeeks and go to WHM by clicking the...

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If users are having problems connecting to your website, the first thing you should check is the server’s firewall.

To do troubleshooting you will need the user’s IP Address (if they don’t know their IP send them to whatismyip.com).

  1. Log in to GreenGeeks and go to WHM by clicking the “WHM Login” button in the “Quick Server Login” section.
  2. Click “Plugins,” then “ConfigServer Security & Firewall.”
  3. Scroll down to the “ConfigServer Firewall” section where the options for managing IP addresses are located.
  4. In the “Search for IP” option, enter the IP address your user has provided and click the “Search for IP” button. You will receive either a confirmation that the IP Address was blocked, including the reason, or confirmation that the IP is not blacklisted.
  5. To unblock the IP Address, simply click the gold lock icon.

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How to Blacklist an IP Address in ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/how-to-blacklist-an-ip-address-in-configserve-firewall-csf/ https://www.greengeeks.com/support/article/how-to-blacklist-an-ip-address-in-configserve-firewall-csf/#respond Sat, 28 Dec 2013 22:07:53 +0000 https://www.greengeeks.com/support/?p=4169 ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) allows you to manually whitelist and blacklist IP addresses in your server’s firewall. This article describes how to blacklist an IP Address. Blacklisting an IP will completely block the address from your server, so it should only be used on IP addresses that you want to prevent...

The post How to Blacklist an IP Address in ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) appeared first on GreenGeeks Support.

ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) allows you to manually whitelist and blacklist IP addresses in your server’s firewall. This article describes how to blacklist an IP Address.

Blacklisting an IP will completely block the address from your server, so it should only be used on IP addresses that you want to prevent from connecting to your server.

  1. Log in to GreenGeeks and go to WHM by clicking the “WHM Login” button in the “Quick Server Login” section.
  2. Click “Plugins,” then “ConfigServer Security & Firewall.”
  3. Scroll down to the “ConfigServer Firewall” section where the options for managing IP addresses are located.
  4. Look for the “Quick Deny” option (it should be a red box). Enter the IP you wish to block and click the “Quick Deny” button.
  5. We recommend adding a comment related to the IP for future reference.

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